Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Consider the Word Ponder

The first known use of the word “ponder” was in the 14th century and it meant to weigh a matter mentally.

When this word came into my focus, I immediately thought of a very precious woman who to this day has incredibly impacted the life of my family. Her name was Letha Benschoff,  “Aunt Esa”.   

Born in the early 1900’s Letha was a wise woman. 

As a child Letha ran a high fever over a long period of time which resulted in the loss of sight in one eye.  Then over her lifetime glaucoma took the sight out of her “good eye”.  She died blind.

At the age 16 she was raped.  The little boy was taken away from her.  He was “placed” in the Texas Children’s home and almost immediately adopted.  As it turned out Letha would not have any other biological children.  Her family  simply said forget about the boy, “He’s  fine”.  After Aunt Esa died I discovered a letter and a white baby dressing gown she carried in a small gold box all those years.

Her home smelled like moth balls, coffee and fresh dirt. 

Aunt Esa taught us:

  • A weed is something that doesn’t belong.
  • It’s important to talk to plants when you plant them.
  • Food is simply what you eat ‘cause you’re hungry.

She said:

·        Little guys need beach walks, anytime they want

·        Afternoons are for putting puzzles together, or playing cards

·        Rereading a book to a child is most important.

Her favorite sayings included:

  • “Uwe” when she was excited
  • And , “Just back your ears and do it!”, when things got tough.

Aunt Esa pondered life.  She thought long and hard, she mentally weighed what really mattered. Her life course was purposeful and she impacted lots of us. 

She always smiled.  She was not the focal point, others were.  She will be remembered for generations to come.

In this day of smart phones, instant messaging, internet, and all the emergencies of  the day we simply need to slow down and ponder our activities. 

Take some time this week and spend it with a child, take a walk, or simply stop and smell the flowers.   

You know,  I wish you’d known my Aunt Esa too!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

A Humble Heart!

Yesterday I listened to a very humble man. His name is Kerry Jackson. 
Kerry is an Associate Real Estate Broker with United Brokers Group in Arizona.
Kerry was a wealth of information about how he has managed through the tough valley real estate market and all the shifts we’ve had this past 10 years. 
Realtors attending the meeting asked, “What’s your marketing strategy? How do you structure your day? When should I hire a transaction manager? What’s your system? Do you use EDDM? Who partners with you in marketing?”
I loved his reply. 
He simply said, “You know my background is engineering. Daily I get up and prepare for my day, just like I was going into an office. My day starts at 8am and I work till 6pm.  Every day is full of activity. I probably should have better systems, however I spend a good part of my day simply talking to people. I listen to needs and try my best to help meet the other person’s need. I do have a transaction coordinator, she handles paperwork and my closings. She’d probably say I need to be better with paperwork. I simply make phone calls, talk to people and try to help.”
Pretty simple - pick up the phone and talk to people. 
In doing so, Kerry meets the needs of his clients, customers, his family and others. As a result he closed 40 transactions in the last 12 months. 

Call it what you want, Kerry has the heart of a servant. 
I hope to get to know Kerry better - to learn and listen to other insights he’s willing to share.

As I was listening to Kerry speak, a Proverb I read that morning came to mind. Proverbs 18:21 says, “The tongue brings death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences”.

Wow! Talking, speaking, reaching out beyond oneself, connecting with people “brings life”.

Our actions and speech are very important. We have the ability to build each other up, help meet a need, add to someone’s success - it’s really up to us and how we approach life.
Thank you Kerry for taking time out of your day yesterday to remind me just how important talking is.

For information on Kerry go to his website at:


Thursday, March 13, 2014

What sets me apart?

What sets me apart?

My Core Competency and a Reflective Thinking Exercise

According to Wikipedia:
Core competency is a concept in management theory originally advocated by two business authors, C. K. Prahalad and Gary Hamel. In their view a core competency is a specific factor that a business sees as central to the way the company or its employees work. It fulfills three key criteria:
  1. It is not easy for competitors to imitate.
  2. It can be reused widely for many products and markets.
  3. It must contribute to the end consumer's experienced benefits and the value of the product or service to its customers.
Reflective thinking on the other hand, conceived by philosopher and American educator John Dewey, is a logical approach to solving an issue.

So with these two thoughts I began a search to discover  core competencies for me. 
Admittedly, in the beginning it was difficult to select an area of focus. 
However you know for yourself so select any one area and you will eventually get to all your priorities.  (Family, work, health, finances…you decide as the list goes on and on). 
Remember:  “Nothing changes, when nothing changes”. Purpose to grow!

Here’s a plan that has worked for lots of us:
·         Set two hours aside. 
·         Select a secluded/isolated location--- no phones, emails, or interruptions. 
·         Start with a blank writing tablet, and a pencil. Leave the computer, just pencil and paper.  Have some water and a simple snack.
·         Blank journal in hand literally write everything that comes into your head.  Who am I?  What really matters?  Where do I see myself?  How will I get there?  When will I be done? 

For those of you who read my blog postings, you know I do have a Life Statement, however believe me it did not start that way.

So today’s question is will you take on the challenge to grow?  I’d love to hear from you!