Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Do You Dream?

Over the years this blog has talked about leading, listening, planning and being SMART.

Yes we do need short term; and long term goals.  Those goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely.

However we also need to dream?

My husband Ken and I schedule regular dream sessions.  We consider where we were, where we are, and where we want to be. We ask ourselves, what does the future look like?  We consider our family, our careers, our retirement, travel, even our personal development?  We dream large!!! We dream about our family legacy.

Maybe we plan a trip to the mountains - Ken is a fisherman as well as an avid hunter.  The coast is a great dreaming spot; there’s always a walk along the beach to remind us how big this world is.  And then there are times we simply stay home and unplug from the world, you know hot tub and or the swimming pool.  Although these are special times for our relationship together, our hidden purpose is to dream. 

Last weekend we flew to Alaska and celebrated the start of a dream launch. Then, on the airplane home we considered some new dreams. 

Together we’ve learned life changes, some windows open and some doors close. However when we fail to dream our relationship suffers. Life seems to loose some its’ mystery.

Ken and I are not the same people we were 43 years ago, and a good part of that is because we dream.  I recently learned that only a small percentage of people continue to change and grow after they graduate from school, they simply go on auto pilot.  That seems like such a loss.

So, how do we dream?

Independently and as a couple we’ll ask: the “what” questions.  Questions like, “What do we want?  What behavior do we need to get there? What will the end look like?”

Then there is the “who” questions.  Who would benefit?  From whom do we need help? Who needs to change thinking?”

And then there are the “how” questions? 

You get the idea.  Dreaming is asking the who, what, when, where, and how questions

Dreaming people do not simply wish they also plan, they consider the facts, gain impressions, and understand it’s going to take time. 

So back to the beginning question, do you dream?  Our hope is that you do and some day you will accomplish all those big dreams for yourself.

Oh by the way, if you’d like either of us to help, just let us know. We’d love to support your dreams. 

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