Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Secret of Life Change

I ran across this article again and thought you might enjoy it.
Click for Coach Greg's Blog.

The Secret of Life Change
Beliefs are critical. They are usually the place where people get stuck in changing they're lives. We've had clients over the years believe that they are unable to experience life change. Why? Simply because of a few misguided, but crucial false beliefs.

Beliefs, positive or negative, become a self-fulfilling reality. And so it's essential that we examine the beliefs we hold to achieve the life change we want. Life change is more than behavior modification. It begins with what we believe about our abilities and opportunities. There's a simple formula to life change that is applicable to virtually everyone:

Belief + Action = Life Change

The formula for  life change is simple but making it work is what's challenging. We all have road blocks in our lives and we're not sure what steps to take toward changing them. The first step to change begins with allowing ourselves to see the areas of our life that need improvement. Once we clearly see the areas in our lives that need change we can get to work on removing our limiting false beliefs to ensure we grow.

Releasing false beliefs and embracing truth releases us from harmful behavior, opening the door to new possibilities.

Our false beliefs must be addressed right away. When we understand that beliefs trigger certain behaviors, we can change them and alter our behavior. If we have a problem with fear, we can engage our logic and determine to confront our fears rather than allow it to cripple us. We all can eliminate false beliefs if we are willing to confront them.

But how Greg? How do we start? Here are 5 principles for Life Change that we recommend:

1. Get started. Start confronting false beliefs and choose positive steps towards growth.

2. Use logic, truth and faith. Logically examine the false and limiting beliefs in your life and choose to believe truth and practice faith instead.

3. Improve as you go. Measure progress and be realistic about expectations.

4. Practice. Practice doesn't make perfect, it makes permanent. Keep believing and doing the right things and you will see progress.

5. Celebrate success. As you experience positive change - reward yourself.

But what if we try this process and still get stuck? Sometimes we do. Beliefs can be like the root systems of a tree. They run deep and wide and can take some serious effort to shake loose. My suggestion is to ask for help. Maybe that's a close friend, accountability partner or a coach. Keep applying our recommendations in this post. Lastly, check your expectations. We all want microwave results, but true life change is earned over time. Keep at it, it works! I promise! 

Life change is about removing barriers. It's about taking charge of what we allow to define our lives. Are you sick of feeling stuck in your excuses? Is it time to engage with the power of renewal and to finally give up those false beliefs? At Coachwell, we're here for you. Give us a call for a free consultation at 541.728.0601 with a life coach today!

To your excellence,

Coach Greg

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