Last week’s topics were:
“Margin” – “Staying on Track” – “Actions” – “Where My Strength Comes
From” – “Precautions” – “Learning to listen” and “Done Playing Games”
I write SOAP Journal entries. (S stands for scripture; O=observation;
A=application and P=my prayer thoughts.)
So here’s the July 27, 2014 “Precautions” entry. Nahum
1:1-2:13 (Psalms 131-135 & Proverbs 27)
S =
“A prudent person
foresees danger and takes precautions.
The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences”. Proverbs 27:12
Today’s Bible reading is about Nineveh. Nahum preached to Nineveh about 100 years
after Jonah (yeah the big fish story).
Nineveh was the capital of Assyria.
The long story short this time Nineveh was going to be destroyed, never
to rise again.
It is interesting how things come together. I can look, listen and learn or repeat my
actions and pay the consequences.
Yesterday was a challenge for me so right now what do I
remember? Kevin’s (our oldest son) comment to Nana (my
mother) about his brother and sister.
Nana, “Use yes or no questions, there are no but’s they’ll just argue
with you.”
WOW --- arguing! Ok,
I get it!
And this morning’s coaching call simply restated it in yet
another way! It is critical to have a 30-60-90 day plan in place or you simply
repeat patterns and never grow. Now this
simple Proverb, if I want to be a prudent person, I will have steps in place to
assure that I and those I am responsible to grow and develop.
Lord, thank you for your word. Thank you for truth. Life left on its own is difficult. Yet, daily
I am reminded that even before I was born you had all the days of my life in
mind. Thanks for loving me so. It is my desire to learn and grow more in the
understanding and knowledge of the absolutes in your word. There is life beyond
me. Often I am unaware of others. This
morning’s Proverb is a good one for me to remember.
Today it is the desire of my heart to be a living
demonstration of you in this world. Thank
you, Lord.
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