Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Yes, It's ALL About Love

Tomorrow, November 27th is Thanksgiving.  A day when we here in the United States stop and “give thanks” for ___________ (you name it).  I’ve received emails, text posts, and voice messages all saying, “Thanks”.

We spend a lot of money, travel great distances, and take time off from work, just to let other people know we care.

Annual celebrations are lots of fun!

In fact, on November 20th  our offices, Park Plaza and Stapley Center took a moment to say “Thank you”. Yes, we are grateful to  each and every one of you for the business opportunities you give  Great American Title on a daily basis, especially this past year.  Annually, we look forward to this day.

That being said just a few days after our Office Thanksgiving Celebration, during my morning quiet/reflective time I read a verse from the Bible, 2 John 1:6, that hit home. 

2 John is a small book in the New Testament written by John the Apostle.  Apostle means the person was a disciple, walked, talked and learned from Jesus when Christ was alive here on earth.  John calls himself an Elder, meaning he is old, really old.  It is also interesting to note that when John wrote this book he was banished to an isolated island, living alone.

Listen to his words:  “Love means doing what God has commanded us, and He commanded us to love one another, just as you heard from the beginning.” (2 John 1:6)

Simply put, here are my journal notes from that day: 

Wow, this is a “call to action” verse.  I am aware of others and the overwhelming needs to “love one another” at this time of the year, because I am reminded. There are donation centers, charity boxes, food drives, all kinds of good causes, I have lots of opportunity to “feel good” about loving others right now. But, what about the other 10 months of the year?  People still need to be loved.
This verse is a reminder to me of just how busy life gets and how often I fail to stop and “love” others.
This is sad!  I do believe that all I have is a gift from God.
God created this world, it all belongs to him, He loves me and He blesses me every day.  Life is not all about me!  I am loved so I can love others for Him.  I’ll take nothing with me when I leave this world.
Today’s big take away: Do I love stuff more than people?  Do I allow my stuff to get in the way of loving others?
My prayer: Lord, I know you love me.  My heart’s desire is to love others for you!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Meet Ken

Tomorrow when you are at the office eating Pre-Thanksgiving Lunch, take a moment to meet my best friend, Ken. 

Ken is a “guys-guy”.  He loves to hunt, fish, camp and can go days on jerky or smoked fish and coffee. My brother Knox said he’d never try to “Out-He-Man” Ken. 

Ken was born here in Phoenix, August 14, 1951.  I was born in Paris, Texas, August 4, 1952. Ken grew up on a farm outside Dallas, Oregon. I spent a part of my childhood in a suburb of Dallas, Texas. Ken milked cows, raised chickens and weeded his Mom’s garden. I shopped with Mother at Neiman Marcus.

One could say, Ken and I grew up in uniquely different environments. I love hot tubs, massages and a good glass of Shiraz. Ken likes showers, can sleep anywhere and enjoys a good beer.

Here’s the point:

Two weeks ago, Ken bought an RV.  Not a new one, but new to me and I love it. Then for 24 hours this past weekend we went camping. One night - that’s all - however, it was magnificent.

You see, these past six weeks there have been lots of changes in my life: Erika and Karen joined Karla at Park Plaza. Gina added her expertise to Stapley. Leslie and Marc are the collective balancing our joint venture marketing.

Ken more than anyone else knew my comfort level has been stretched. He also knows what I need.

Years ago we had a motor home. We would leave Friday evenings and drive to the mountains where he would hunt and fish while I simply sat and read. It was a time of meditation and reflection, a solitary time I really enjoyed. 

This last weekend at Roosevelt Lake Indian Point Campground, Ken gave me back my margin.

He went for long walks, duck hunting and I simply read. We had a fire in the fire pit and looked at the night sky together.  The sky was brilliant.

Yes, we’ve been married 43 years and no, it’s not been easy. Our parents did not expect us to make it six months. The day we got married Ken and I had no idea how much each of us would have to change.

However, we did change --- our behaviors have changed, our habits changed.  Ken changed Ken, Carolyn changed Carolyn, as a result we’re conquerors in life and we love each other. 

So, Ken thank you!  Thanks for caring, providing and sharing life with me.  I love you!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


I heard Christmas music in the grocery store today.  It is hard to believe its November, 2014.  

This marks my 17th year in the valley escrow industry. 
Wow, for a kid who moved 18 times before she graduated from high school, and went to 3 different 1st grades, I’ve been here a long time.

November 20th is special for our staff. It is our 8th Annual Thanksgiving Lunch and we get to thank you for belonging to our office family.  

You’ll find a traditional Texas Thanksgiving, something my Mom would have enjoyed serving.  Cornbread dressing, mashed potatoes, and turkey; Mother taught me no one should go away hungry.

We’re not entitled to be in business. We know you have choices.  We are grateful that you believe in us, we believe in you!
2013-2014 saw major changes.  We added Park Plaza, remodeled Stapley and our staff size has grown. 

Lately I was reminded in a small way just how much my personal cheese work has moved. 
I am an introvert and really do enjoy sitting behind an escrow desk.  There is a great reward in being able to answer the phone, listen to the question, answer it, sign the customer, send the file back to the lender for funding, release the file, and call the Realtor when the recording is complete.  At least for me there is. 

Interesting as that is, it is not where I am needed right now.  I’ve learned I must let go of control and allow others to grow in their job. The team is smart, capable, and believes in each other. (It’s kind of like when you drop the first child off at college, while driving home and realize he can do this!)

So, here’s the story: An Escrow Officer was out sick.  She feared coming back to work. Unknown to her, the team members simply stepped in and completed all her needed file work. There were notes and documents in her files so she was caught up.  No big deal, they simply did what they needed to do. She was elated and emailed them to say “thanks”.
Here’s the response back to her: “Hey, Carolyn says, this is what we do (our job) and not who we are (our humanity)”.  However in this case, “This IS who we are!!!”  The team is one collective whole.  No big fan fare!  No need to make a big deal, they simply and collectively did what was needed to serve a teammate. 

Kind of like Superman - able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. 

Yes we work hard; it is a part of our culture.  There are systems, and we are trained and cross trained. We study, read, CANI, and work SMART.However, without you (our friends), everything we do would be in vain.  We’re not entitled to stay open.  We know that.  So this time of the year we stop and simply thank you.

John F. Kennedy once said, “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them”. 

Please stop by the office on November 20th between 11 and 1 for lunch on us.  We belong to you and you belong to us!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

How are your relationships?

November is here and there are less than 60 days in 2014. Traditionally and culturally we simply celebrate for the rest of the year. 

Consider just some of your celebration opportunities.  (By the way, these are straight from Wikipedia)

November 1st was All Saints Dayt, a day to honor all Saints, known or unknown. Thanksgiving is always the fourth Thursday of November in the United States and the second Monday of October in Canada.
Veterans Day is November 11th.  A day set aside here in the US to honor our service men and women.Bodhi Day: December 8th — Day of Enlightenment, celebrating the day that the historical Buddha (Shakyamuni or Siddhartha Gautama) experienced enlightenment.

There’s also:
  • Advent: fourth Sunday preceding December 25th
  • Saint Nicholas'  and Krampusnacht Day: December 6th:The Feast of St. Nicholas is celebrated in parts of Europe on 6 December. In Alpine countries, Saint Nicholas has a devilish companion named Krampus
  • Our Lady of Guadalupe: December 12th — An important honor of Mexico's Patron Saint before Christmas officially begins on December 16[4]
  • Saint Lucia's Day: December 13th — Church Feast Day. Saint Lucia comes as a young woman with lights and sweets.
  • Christmas Eve: December 24th -- it is widely observed as a full or partial holiday in anticipation of Christmas Day.
  • Christmas Day: December 25th — one of the most celebrated holidays around the world, increasingly celebrated by Christians and non-Christians alike.
  • Anastasia of Sirmium feast day: December 25th -- venerated as a healer and exorcist
  • Twelve Days of Christmas: December 25th – January 6th :a distinct period focused on commemorating the Nativity of Christ. Different traditions follow slightly different days and traditions  
  • Las Posadas: December 16th – 24th — procession to various family lodgings for celebration & prayer and to re-enact Mary & Joseph's journey to Bethlehem
  • Saint Stephen's Day: December 26th : Patron saint of stonemasons. He is considered the first martyr in Christianity.
  • Saint John the Evangelist's Day: December 27th : John (also known as the “Beloved Disciple” is credited with the authorship of three epistles, one Gospel, and is supposed by many to be the author of the book of Revelation
  • Holy Innocents' Day: December 28th : commemorating the massacre of the children by King Herod in his attempt to kill the infant Jesus 
  • Saint Sylvester's Day: December 31st : St. Sylvester was Pope for twenty-four years and eleven months
  • Pancha Ganapati: December 21st – 25th  — modern five-day festival in honor of Lord Ganesha, celebrated by Hindus in USA.
Historical, all occur on December 25th :

My point is that life is all about relationships and celebrating.  We were designed for relationship. 
The next couple of weeks we’re going to consider how we behave and balance our relationships.

Ruminate on the words from the 1960’s song, “No Man is an Island”, by The Lettermen
“No man is an island, no man stands alone, 
Each man`s joy is joy to me, 
Each man`s grief is my own, 
We need one another, so I will defend, 
Each man as my brother, 
Each man as my friend”

I have said it often, “Use things, and love people”.  This being said - finish 2014 by celebrating your relationships.