Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Meet Ken

Tomorrow when you are at the office eating Pre-Thanksgiving Lunch, take a moment to meet my best friend, Ken. 

Ken is a “guys-guy”.  He loves to hunt, fish, camp and can go days on jerky or smoked fish and coffee. My brother Knox said he’d never try to “Out-He-Man” Ken. 

Ken was born here in Phoenix, August 14, 1951.  I was born in Paris, Texas, August 4, 1952. Ken grew up on a farm outside Dallas, Oregon. I spent a part of my childhood in a suburb of Dallas, Texas. Ken milked cows, raised chickens and weeded his Mom’s garden. I shopped with Mother at Neiman Marcus.

One could say, Ken and I grew up in uniquely different environments. I love hot tubs, massages and a good glass of Shiraz. Ken likes showers, can sleep anywhere and enjoys a good beer.

Here’s the point:

Two weeks ago, Ken bought an RV.  Not a new one, but new to me and I love it. Then for 24 hours this past weekend we went camping. One night - that’s all - however, it was magnificent.

You see, these past six weeks there have been lots of changes in my life: Erika and Karen joined Karla at Park Plaza. Gina added her expertise to Stapley. Leslie and Marc are the collective balancing our joint venture marketing.

Ken more than anyone else knew my comfort level has been stretched. He also knows what I need.

Years ago we had a motor home. We would leave Friday evenings and drive to the mountains where he would hunt and fish while I simply sat and read. It was a time of meditation and reflection, a solitary time I really enjoyed. 

This last weekend at Roosevelt Lake Indian Point Campground, Ken gave me back my margin.

He went for long walks, duck hunting and I simply read. We had a fire in the fire pit and looked at the night sky together.  The sky was brilliant.

Yes, we’ve been married 43 years and no, it’s not been easy. Our parents did not expect us to make it six months. The day we got married Ken and I had no idea how much each of us would have to change.

However, we did change --- our behaviors have changed, our habits changed.  Ken changed Ken, Carolyn changed Carolyn, as a result we’re conquerors in life and we love each other. 

So, Ken thank you!  Thanks for caring, providing and sharing life with me.  I love you!

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