Have you ever had someone say,
“Hey, stop your limiting beliefs”.
I did just this last week at the
gym. Every morning, Levi (my personal
trainer) charts the morning workout on a
whiteboard for all to see. Thursday,
last week, there was a new to me exercise called a Kettle bell Squat to Shoulder Press.
Holding a 24 lb kettle bell you
squat and then simply push the bell all the way up in the air as you stand
up. The idea is to get your arm that is
holding the kettle bell fully extended.
Sounded easy!
Not so much. It was hard. I mean
really hard — and we’re all girls. Try as
we might we simply could not complete the exercise like Levi. So the cross talk started: “I can’t do this!” “I’m pretty sure none of us can get this
one!!” “Where does Levi dream this stuff
up? We’re women - guys ok, but not us!!!”
For those of us who work out with
a trainer, you hear what is coming next.
Levi stepped in and yelled out, “Hey ladies, stop your limiting
You know even as adults, we’re
like a bunch of kids - we need boundaries.
So we stopped talking and 22
minutes later we thought, “Hooray, we’re done for the day!" It was a really good workout, it was simply
testing our capacity. But then the gym
is a place where we pay someone to be demanding, tough, and challenging. We want to reach our goal.
Then it happened. Levi said, “Ok, now for the
finisher. Grab a kettle bell, take a
side step and squat. Now don’t stop. Push that kettle bell into the air really
You got it. We still needed to
successfully complete a Kettle Bell Squat to Shoulder Press. And guess what? With his assistance we all completed not one, but five.
Levi was right. We simply needed
to set aside our “limiting beliefs”!
So today’s question is pretty
simple: What are your limiting
beliefs? Where are you holding yourself
back? Physically, emotionally, mentally - what’s it going to take?
It’s June. We’re half through
2015 - Are you half way to those 2015 resolutions? Remember, nothing changes when nothing
As Levi says, you can do it. Simply
set aside are your “limiting beliefs”.
Work with Levi: levi@elitetotalfitness.com
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