Anyone who knows me --- is aware I read a lot!
Right now there are three books that have mesmerized me:
“The Social Media Why”, by Crystal Washington
“How to Succeed at Being Yourself”, by Joyce Meyer
So here’s what I’ve realized. Three different authors. Each person addresses a different life arena. Yet they are all challenging me to the same basic concepts.
Social media = learn how to communicate in today’s real time world or go out of business. (Crystal Washington).
Some people take and never give. Others are only interested in matching what I have to offer, and a giver can either be at the top or the bottom of the scale. To be successful you’d better know who you are, and what’s it going to take. (Adam Grant)
And life is never fair or easy. You can change. However, it takes work. (Joyce Meyer).
All three books remind me of what my Mom would simply say, “Carolyn, GOI (get over it!) and figure it out whatever that means!”
One statement in the Joyce Meyer’s book brought all this home for me: (Chapter 10) “If you have been tempted even recently to give up -- don’t! If you don’t finish the thing you are currently involved in, you will face the same challenges in the next thing you start”.
Ms. Washington said the same thing in her book. Essentially, dig in and figure it out! While Adam Grant indicates it takes years to understand givers, takers, and matchers, but you’d better know who they are and how to work with each of them..
WOW, think about what these authors are saying. Know where you are, work through where you want to be and understand who’s involved.
So here’s the deal: you are entering the final last quarter of 2015. Do you know what it’s going to take to finish strong? Have you processed where next year will take you? Are you working with the right people to help you get there?
The analysis of these three questions is your test.
Remember, “Nothing changes, when nothing changes!”
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